Jupiter Ascending is the dumbest movie ever. [Review]

The Salty Crew takes a look at the latest disaster from the Wachowskis, a movie so bad that audiences walked out on it during a "secret screening" at Sundance - Jupiter Ascending. Though the visuals for the film are amazing, that can't hide the terrible story and bad acting that litters the film. Listen as the Salty Crew breaks down this turd of a film, and explains why it's the best looking bad movie you'll ever see.

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Salty Crew:
Matt Vader: https://www.twitter.com/mattvader74
Jude JuJu: https://www.twitter.com/iamjudejuju
Matthew Kadish: https://www.twitter.com/MatthewKadish

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#JupiterAscending #Wachowskis #ChanningTatum