Infinite Movie Review - Mark Wahlberg Is Super Boring

Infinite movie review from the Salty Nerds have them wondering if the movie will ever end because Mark Wahlberg's latest action film is SO BORING it feels like it goes on forever!

Infinite is the first big movie release on the Paramount Plus streaming service, and it has a cool concept, but the execution leaves something to be desired. The plot gets super confusing toward the end of the film, the action is cool, but you really don't care about the characters.

Mark Wahlberg seems to phone in his performance as a guy who gets reincarnated constantly and doesn't once say: "Say hi to your mother for me." But he does have a samurai sword and seems to know how to bend air?

This Infinite breakdown from the Salty Nerds really does dump a ton of salt on this film. Yes, Infinite movie 2021 does start off cool with lots of neat action scenes and that guy from Teen Wolf, but it quickly devolves into a nonsensical action film that is surprisingly boring for how much stuff is going on in it.

What is your Infinite movie review? Do you agree with the Salty Nerds and their Infinite movie breakdown? Does your mother know Mark Wahlberg? Let us know in the comments!


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#Infinite #MarkWahlberg #ParamountPlus