Iger Admits Marvel SUCKS - But Doubles-Down On DEI?

Watch our previous episode here: https://youtube.com/live/bCgJrZPvceg?feature=share

Bob Iger just put Marvel on notice, but at the same time, Disney is doubling down on "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" - the very thing that got Marvel in trouble in the first place! We also talk about WB possible erasing Coyote vs Acme out of existence, a new House of the Dragon spin-off, Wil Wheaton losing his mind over Elmo, Dakota Johnson blasting Hollywood, and a questionable casting decision for the new Pirates of the Caribbean film. Come join us in the chat as we talk about all this and more!

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Midnight's Edge: https://www.youtube.com/@MidnightsEdge

Verd Farstar: https://twitter.com/VerdFarstar

Articles Mentioned In The Livestream:

Coyote vs. Acme To Be Erased

House of the Dragon Spin-Off

Iger Admits Marvel Lost Its Way



Wil Wheaton SIMPS For Elmo

Johnson Blasts Hollywood

Depp Replaced By Diversity

Saturday Superstar:
Scotty Dub