Dec. 8, 2021

Salty Nerd Reviews: AppleTV's Invasion Episode 9 - Full Of Stars

Salty Nerd Reviews: AppleTV's Invasion Episode 9 - Full Of Stars

The PENULTIMATE episode of Invasion has the Salty Nerds EXTRA salty about this ridiculous show, it's boring characters, slow storyline, and massive plot contrivances. They're especially upset by Invasion's climax essentially making all but one...

The PENULTIMATE episode of Invasion has the Salty Nerds EXTRA salty about this ridiculous show, it's boring characters, slow storyline, and massive plot contrivances. They're especially upset by Invasion's climax essentially making all but one storyline in the series completely pointless.

NOTHING makes sense in Invasion Episode 9. Nothing is explained. Nothing is really resolved (well, except for the whole alien invasion things). This episode is so bad, it actually made the Nerds ANGRY they had watched it!

And as you know - nothing is more entertaining than angry nerds!


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